Digital Gold -If you want to secure your pension — invest in gold


7 min readNov 30, 2020

The easiest way to invest is direct investment in gold coins or bullion, as one of the forms in physical gold. Russian legislation exempts the purchase of coins from paying VAT at the rate of 20%, which cannot yet be said about bullion.

Another option is investing in “paper” gold, involving the opening of an impersonal metal account, the purchase of securities of funds with gold backing, or the use of futures, instruments with an expiration date. Gold mining shares are also of interest, as they rise in price along with the increase in the value of the physical precious metal and assume regular dividends.

Save for a pension in gold

As a rule, beginners prefer (and are absolutely right!) To invest in investment gold coins, since their prices are close to the price of the metal, they are not subject to VAT and have good liquidity, and other instruments — from exchange-traded funds to securities — require a certain financial “savvy.

Pension savings in gold

Investing in precious metals has both advantages and disadvantages. But in the long term, most investors prefer physical gold in the form of investment coins or gold bars to create their retirement savings.

Due to its low initial cost and the absence of difficulties with storing gold coins, it is the best choice for depositors who are taking their first steps in investment and expect a payback period of at least five years. The risks of such investments are minimal, and price swings are insignificant.

According to experts, personal financial peace and economic security of a private person for a long time can only provide an addition to the investment portfolio by purchasing a certain amount of the yellow metal.

Buying investment gold coins is most preferable in this sense.

Thus, the “St. George the Victorious” coin, which is ubiquitous in the territory of the Russian Federation, can be purchased without any problems without paying VAT. Its relatively low cost and universal availability make it more than attractive to investors. The constantly growing ruble value of gold, thanks to the government’s policy to support the domestic currency, is another reason for the formation of a long-term investment portfolio of the shares of the yellow metal. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation promises to maintain this course for many years, which will ensure a constant price increase in the gold market.

According to analysts, during political and economic hard times, military conflicts and natural disasters, the only reliable method to preserve your savings is to purchase physical gold.

If you take the corsairs of the past as an example, the precious gold earrings in their ears were not entirely for beauty. When a pirate died in battle, they paid for his funeral.

During the Soviet era

the custom of wedding gifts to young people in the form of gold was not forgotten in the Central Asian republics. Such gifts were sometimes up to hundreds of grams in weight. The newlyweds already received a personal supply of gold when creating a family.

The disadvantage of investing in investment coins can be the difference between their current acquisition cost and the subsequent sale price. However, in the long term, this negative factor stops working.

The situation is more complicated with investing money in gold bars. Although this type of investment, at first glance, is considered more justified, the purchase of bullions implies the payment of VAT in the amount of 20%. This money cannot be returned later. Of course, there is an opportunity not to pay value added tax when storing gold in a bank depository, but these services are paid and over the years they will simply “eat” your gold

Gold stocks and paper gold

OMS or the so-called impersonal metal accounts is one of the ways to invest in precious metal without having it personally in your hands. The effectiveness of such investments is in direct proportion to the international market value of the yellow metal and the ratio of the ruble to the US dollar. When using this option, there is also a difference between the purchase value and the cost of subsequent sale, which implies a profit in the long term, and not in case of momentary speculative transactions.

If we talk about the advantages of compulsory medical insurance, then in relation to physical gold in bullions, this investment instrument is economically more profitable, because it does not require payment of VAT on the acquisition and costs of storing precious metals in a bank.

Digital Gold

Thanks to the Ethereum blockchain and the use of ERC-20 tokens, GOLD stablecoins contain a comparable amount of gold in a safe. A decent degree of security in the blockchain system will keep users’ information unknown, users do not need to try to buy and sell gold by visiting a gold store. If this time you purchased gold by visiting the Gold Store and are stressed by the assets you are transferring, at that moment the coin is stable, gold gives you the answer, with Bitcoin and Ethereum you can get gold coins that are fully supported by physical gold , we need to understand how it works. For example, currently the cost of 1 gram of gold is $ 45, in case you need to buy gold coins, at this stage you can use the bitcoin conversion method as below: market

Have you ever tried to buy a gold asset, the middleman / pressure is not interested because of the worry about opening an account, saving huge amounts of dollars and worrying about going through KYC. Anyway, nowadays thanks to the digital gold project, where customers can instantly purchase GOLD and store it in their wallets using Ethereum without any problem. More information can be found here:

Main advantages of GOLD Stablecoin

1 GOLD = 1 gram of gold in percent 99.99. All GOLD tokens are supplied with real gold, which is in a safe place. Each GOLD coin is issued through a smart transaction based on Ethereum, and the number of coins in circulation is always equal to the total number of gold bars held in a safe place (vault).

There is no transfer fee. No transaction fees. Make payments as you see fit. Gold can be used as part of your life or daily business operations.


100% GOLD coins are of real gold bars. The actual amount of gold stored can be compared to the total amount of chips in real time. All transactions are irreversible, there is no way to block your account due to the decentralized structure of the blockchain.

great liquidity

The token company GOLD is a liquidity provider that allows large quantities of coins to be exchanged very close to market prices. The owner of the coin can instantly buy or sell coins on this site or through partner exchanges.


Low maintenance costs equal to the cost of keeping a gold reserve in a bank. In addition, storage of precious metals is practically no problem.


A golden staff that remains private. Discovery of identity in transactions is another way to own gold. To exchange any amount of gold, just write the address of the starting portfolio. Main advantages of GOLD Stablecoin


The Digital Gold Project is not an Initial Coin Offering as there is currently no fundraising work in progress. All transactions are self-funded, so any purchase of a GOLD token results in an instant purchase of physical gold based on a smart contract. The global interest in the gold market is well known, while the value of gold exchange traded funds (ETFs) exceeds the $ 100 billion threshold. With the GOLD token, precious metal can now be more than a store of wealth and an investment vehicle. Thanks to the blockchain, gold can now act as payment method for all types of transactions.

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